The Measure of Reliance

It takes a long time to unlearn deeply ingrained programs and routines.

  • Our reliance on a clock to tell us when to wake up, when to eat.

  • Our dependence on the internet to entertain us, inform us, tell us how our loved ones are doing.

  • Our leanings on formal schools to instruct us, educate us, lest how could we possibly know what we say we know?

  • Our servitude to religions and their institutions to show us our Path and instill within us morality and respect for another.

  • Our requirement that travel show us rest, childlike wonder and deep connection.

We want, so heavily, that external forces tell us who we are, that the contemplation that the body containing innate knowledge and discernment is reviled, seen as grotesque. Immature, even! We have given away too much life force.

The real wonder is that the extent of one’s subscription to abiding to these entities is what is called civility. Anything other, barbaric, and out of touch.

Yet the great paradox is that the less you touch upon your own internal, inherent essence – both bodily, human, and etheric, divine – the more part of modernity you are.

So, what does it actually mean to be out-of-touch?

Everything we demand that it show us how to exist and define, are created. What a shame! That the creation becomes points of worship, meanwhile the gods, themselves – ye are gods – are left empty.


artists. comrades.


A Mystic Woman by Alison Nappi