A Day I Saw A Dear, And A Dear Saw Me.

My body brambles on. 

Filling my nose are the smells of wet grasses and slow drying soil after the rains of several days gone. Here I am singing into the winds, “how sweet it is”. What is it that is sweet, I do not know, if it is not everything, everything. My body knows this feeling, of loose wanderings along a path I have never been. Daring bikers whiz past and I, feeling prompted, as it were, each time, to move ever more slowly. 

Then she sees me.

And I see her.

Or perhaps she hears my song,

How sweet it is.”

I scarcely allow the melody leave my aura.

It is a private mantra.

Yet. Somehow she hears me.

I know this because her ears perk to the passing of speed bikers, only to sharply return to my voice. Her eyes look into mine and I blush. Her eyes ask me to continue. Unlike her comrades, who steadily move from patch of glistening grass to loose hanging leaves. Ignoring the humans who ignore them.

She stops me. And I stop. And sing louder, as sweetly as I can, allowing my voice to travel further and a little closer. For these captive ears. And eyes which never leave my face.

Oh to be seen by nature’s daughter.

And the One with the prettiest eyes

“How sweet it is”

May I never break such contact

In my heart.


“Another Bright Day”


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